Saturday 21 April 2012

Reality TV shows

Get inspired by their stories. Start watching The Biggest Loser  if you haven't
watch any episode of the show.

Some parents fussed up when their kids get addicted on TV programs. Most of them scare that their children will neglect their studies if they spent too much time in front of the screen. To me, I think I would at the very first place observe what kind of TV shows my children have selected and of course never forget to monitor the time amount spent for TV.  When I was still a student, my English language teacher had always encouraged us to watch National Geographic. National geographic documents myriad of fun and interesting educational topics and it is suitable for people of all ages. Today, a lot of things had changed. The TV programs pattern has evolved so much to feed the demand of the public. Reality TV shows like American Idols, American got Talents, The Biggest Losers and Losing It with Jillian are some of the entertaining yet healthy TV shows that I would not stop my kids from watching it. Everybody likes reality story, most probably because they are closer to the public and thus give more impacts to the viewers. The Biggest Losers for example airs the life changing process of those people who are overweight which at the same time a very common health hazards long lived among our society. The show teaches the public to have great determination and consistency to fight for a healthier physical and at the same time pursue their dream and nevertheless improve their life. There was this episode of Losing it With Jillian that inspired me a lot. It was about a family where all the family members were obese and overweight. They faced not only health problem but also family conflict as well. Trying to restore the happy family relationship, the son finally decided to get his family on the show. At last, not only that they had built up healthy physical and life style but also had mended their family relationship. The broken family ties were rebuild as they participated in the program and won over the battle together as a family. They experienced the hardship together and worked hard to achieve their target for a healthier life. Their story inspired so many people who watched their story from the reality TV shows. Therefore, TV programs not just as a vessel to entertain and educate people but also good counselor and motivator too. As a teacher, I would suggest parents to get involve in their children’s activity such as watching the TV shows together so that they can share with one another what they have learnt from the shows. It would be a very great opportunity for the parents and their children to understand each other better which also at the same time bonding each other closer.

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